Graco InvisiPac Remote Monitoring Line Site

Welcome back to’s continuing series on the Graco InvisiPac Hot Melt System – a huge technological leap forward that is changing the way the packaging industry uses hot melt.  Thus far, we have covered the big news that Graco and have formed a distribution partnership to bring our customers the InvisiPac system, and we’ve given you a comprehensive guide to how the InvisiPac works, and how it is specially designed to solve the most pressing problems that currently frustrate packaging operations around the country.

In today’s post, we’re going to cover an often-overlooked but critically important aspect of the InvisiPac technological suite: LineSite, the remote monitoring system built right in that allows you to track multiple hot melt application machines within a plant in real-time.  It also collects a diverse array of information on the state, efficiency and operations of your lines and processes.  That means that LineSite not only greatly expands your oversight of the plant floor; it also allows you to glean crucial insights from aggregated data that can help you decrease your costs and increase your productivity.

“Well,” we can imagine you saying. “That all sounds great in the abstract. But how is it going to help me in my day-to-day job?” We hear you. So let’s get concrete:

  • LineSite keeps you in control 24/7. Each individual InvisiPac system streams real-time data to LineSite, which you can receive on your laptop, tablet or smartphone any time of day or night. That means that no matter where (or when) you are, you’ve got temperature readings, the volume of adhesive used by each machine, and a broad range of other performance metrics at your fingertips anytime that you need to access them. The only thing LineSite won’t help you with is work-life balance. Sorry.
  • LineSite greatly reduces potential downtime.  With customizable e-mail alerts that notify you instantly in the case of system events and alarms, you’re always in the know about problems and potential faults. Pair that with robust machine diagnostics and comprehensive system operating data, and you will be able to remotely – and instantaneously – diagnose issues as they arise (or even before.) 
  • LineSite is easy to use.  We’ve all been there – some equipment manufacturer contracted their system software out to a cut-rate bidder, and the interface is so clunky, counterintuitive, ancient and slow that you’d rather have your gums scraped than spend another frustrating second fighting it. LineSite has a sleek, intuitive graphical format that anyone can quickly pick up and run with. 
  • LineSite helps you get the support you need as quickly as possible.  Graco stands by every InvisiPac system it makes – meaning their support teams are always standing by, ready to help you troubleshoot any potential issues that may arise.  You’ll be able to e-mail the customizable, downloadable logs that LineSite collects and compiles directly to the good folks at Graco if you ever need their help – meaning that problems can be quickly investigated, uncovered and solved before they cause significant delays or downtime.
  • LineSite saves you money.  With comprehensive graph system parameters that give you intuitive, simple visual data representations of performance metrics and historical parameters, you can easily devise and implement floor-wide cost-savings initiatives, as well as catch potentially costly long-term trends and head them off before they become entrenched.

Here’s the bottom line: InvisiPac is the next generation of hot melt dispensing for the packaging industry – the model on which other competitors will soon build their “me-too” systems – and LineSite is just one of the many revolutionary features Graco built in to this paradigm-shifting technology.

If you’re ready to bring your operation into the future by installing InvisiPac, or you’ve got questions, comments or concerns about any aspect of this new system, we want to hear from you. Our dedicated team of hot melt experts is standing by. Contact us online or call us at 877-933-3343.

Try Before You Buy

See if you qualify for the exclusive Try Before You Buy Graco InvisiPac promotion - details can be found here

Want More Information on Line Site

Still looking for more information on Graco InvisiPac Linesite? Checkout the 5 ways Graco InvisPac's remote system lowers costs and increases productivity - read here.

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