Henkel TECHNOMELT® PA 6344 Discontinued

August 20, 2024
Henkel, a big name in the adhesive space, has discontinued TECHNOMELT PA 6344 black hot melt adhesive. This popular hot melt is made specifically for molding compound applications, but it is no longer being manufactured by the company.  

For those businesses that use this product regularly or have been using it for many years, this discontinuation can be a bit alarming. There may still be limited amounts of the product available for purchase over the next few weeks, but eventually the product will run out. Companies who would normally use this hot melt will need to find a replacement before TECHNOMELT PA 6344 is no longer available anywhere. Failure to do so could result in unnecessary and costly downtime.  

More About Henkel TECHNOMELT PA 6344 

Henkel TECHNOMELT PA 6344 adhesive is a one-component polyamide hot melt with a low viscosity. It is designed for low-pressure molding processes and is both UV resistant and moisture resistant. The hot melt also has good heat resistance and can be used with a variety of different materials including metals, HR-4, and many plastics.  

Because of these qualities, it is often used in potting electronics including when there are more fragile components or in external applications exposed to UV light or moisture. Those companies relying on this adhesive for these types of applications will need to start looking for other options.  

Henkel TECHNOMELT PA 6344 Is Discontinued 

In recent weeks, Henkel has discontinued TECHNOMELT PA 6344 black hot melt. With this discontinuation, new product will no longer be manufactured by the company. At this point, Henkel is also not manufacturing a new replacement product.  

As a result of the discontinuation, some companies have already started to run into supply problems for this product. We have received calls from people who are unsure of what to do next. Fortunately, there is another product on the market that can meet most of these same needs.  

An Alternative Is Available 

The discontinuation of Henkel TECHNOMELT PA 6344 hot melt may be causing a few hiccups for some companies who utilize it, but there is a good replacement available.  

Infinity Bond PA 6208 Black Polyamide Hot Melt Bulk Pellets
Infinity Bond PA 6208 black hot melt is often a great replacement for the Henkel product. It has a similar chemistry and can be used in many of the same applications. Both products come in bulk pellets and are designed for low-pressure molding applications. They also both have good heat stability and can be used with different plastics.  

The biggest difference between the two products may actually be the price. Henkel is a well-known brand of adhesive and that name recognition often comes with a hefty price tag. As a result, the Infinity Bond PA 6208 is typically cheaper even though it has the same qualities. For some businesses, the discontinuation of Henkel TECHNOMELT PA 6344 may actually result in them saving money.  

You can order Infinity Bond PA 6208 on our site, or if you have more questions about the product, we have adhesive experts ready to help. They can advise you on the best adhesive solutions for your specific application. All you need to do is reach out.  

Replacement Product

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