12 Days of Adhesives - A Hot Melt Christmas

The holidays are upon us and Santa’s (and your) workshop are a-buzz with activity … and because every good project deserves the best tools, this i...

The Only Bulk Hot Melt for Candle Making

The Future of Candle Making: AdTech 297-800 Delayed Tack Hot Melt Despite – or perhaps because of – the prevalence of container candles in our soc...

The Evolution of the Glue Gun

Whether you're laying new flooring, working on your latest scrapbook, or installing drywall, have you ever wondered who came up with the amazing (...

Protechnic Hot Melt Films and Webbings - Vendor Highlight

Today we are going to highlight one of tobinyukbusiness.shop’s most unique vendors Protechnic. Protechnic is a leading manufacturer of hot melt film and we...

EVA Hot Melt Adhesives - Overview and Guide

Hot melt adhesives are the most popular, and widely used types of industrial adhesives currently available in today’s market. Hot melt adhesives are polymer based, and are thermoplastic in nature, meaning they are solid at room temperature. These adhesives do not utilize water, or solvents in order to acquire their adhesive properties, which allows them a very fast set time, a long shelf life, and functionality in a wide range of temperatures.

The Hot Melt TPU Film Industry - The Most Glamorous Hot Melt

I know we’re a little late for the Oscar craze but we thought we’d give you a quick overview of one of the most glamorous hot melt applications on the market. TPU hot melt films. No we didn’t say IN the film industry, we are talking about adhesive film itself.

Infinity Glue Spots for Mailings, Product Assembly and More

Glue Spots from Infinity Bond are one of the most dynamic adhesive products available in the hot melt and industrial adhesives industries. Glue Sp...

Power Adhesives Foundry Tec Core Adhesives Overview

Power Adhesives FoundryTEC - Powering Foundry Assembly Adhesives are at the heart of most manufacturing and product assembly processes. Today we are going to review how the foundry industry uses hot melt for core production and dig into the Foundry TEC line of hot melt products from Power Adhesives. Foundry systems are used for casting metal, and having a reliable adhesive in play can significantly speed up all aspects of your core production.

Glue Gun Kits for Every Application

Complete Glue Gun Kits Take the Guess Work Out of Unique Applications Industrial adhesives, glue guns, and glue gun accessories are used in a wide ...

Why Demand For Hot Melt Adhesives Is Growing In The Global Market

Hot Melt Adhesive Demand Continues to Grow The Hot Melt Adhesives industry has been steadily growing, and according to a recent report by Research and Markets, it will continue to do so steadily through 2020. The report was conducted to analyze the growth of the Global Hot Melt Adhesives industry for the forecast period between 2015-2020 and to determine what factors are behind the growth in the industry, and why certain regions are growing more rapidly than others. Upon completion, Markets and Research found that the market is expected to expand at a moderate compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during this period, and that growth is being driven by technological advancements and innovations in polymer-based adhesives. As of 2015, the Hot Melt Adhesives industry is valued at $5.4 billion.

An Overview of Industrial Hot Melt

Industrial Hot Melt Products and How They Are Used  Industrial hot melt is used in applications formulated for specific purposes in each industry. There are a wide variety of dispensing machines, glue sticks, and bulk hot melt adhesives (HMAs) all designed with specific applications in mind. There is a difference in color, viscosity, heating temperature, raw materials and set time among the various HMAs.

How Hot Melt Molding Can Replace Traditional Epoxy In Manufacturing

Hot Melt Molding Over Epoxy in Manufacturing Manufacturing companies in search of an adhesive that is a cost-effective alternative to epoxy should ...